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  • Revisiter les émotions

Revisiter les émotions

How comfortable are you working with emotions in your coaching? With your own? With your client’s? Are you able to take your clients into the emotional domain or do their emotions scare you a bit? I find that I use emotional distinctions every time I coach and that they are at the core of all my work with leaders and teams.


Date: Oct 9-14, 2016

Location: Campus in Chouvigny

Language: English

This workshop is an opportunity to build your understanding of emotions and develop comfort and ease bringing them into your coaching and facilitation.

The 3-day immersive workshop will produce emotional, linguistic and somatic learning in the domain of moods and emotions. The workshop activities will be viewed and reviewed through the lens of the emotions they trigger, the messages of those emotions and what human concern they take care of. We will tease out the stories of emotions and begin the practice of rigorously listening to them. In the end the aim is for you to befriend your emotions, understand them as a source of support in life and a key tool in effective coaching.

You will learn to:

  • Notice and name emotions
  • Listen to and learn from emotions
  • Connect emotions and their stories
  • See emotions as information
  • Connect emotions with the body
  • Shift moods and emotions
  • Unlock emotions through creativity
  • Unveil emotional cultural discourses
  • Coach from emotions
  • Coach to emotions

Coach Facilitators: Valérie Beyssade & Daniel Newby, PCC

Group size: 8 to 12 participants

Cost of the program: 1500 euros (includes room & meals)

For information and registration, contact us


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Workshops PARIS , CAMPUS